
페이지 정보

Name HANA Academy Comment 0 Hit 7,835 Date 23-10-06 13:47


In a blink of an eye, we have been in HANA ACADEMY in the Philippines for a month. From being unfamiliar at the beginning to becoming familiar, whether it is the environment, food, language or meeting friends from different countries, everything is so interesting and exciting. I remember that when I first came here, I deeply felt the kindness and enthusiasm of the teachers and staff of HANA ACADEMY. This trip is the first time for our family to come to the Philippines. The main purpose is to let the two children bravely speak English and expand their horizons to see the beauty of the world and make friends of different nationalities. I am very happy. Although it is only a short month, in this month, we have gained many new learning and life experiences. In terms of English learning, the children have made great progress in listening and speaking. Not only have they been affirmed by the teachers, but as parents, we can also clearly see that the children have found the motivation and love for learning English. When I was learning English before, I always lacked interest and often asked why I should learn English. Now when they meet people of different nationalities in different countries, the children finally realize the importance of "English" communication. I am very grateful to the teachers of HANA ACADEMY for their hard work in teaching and continuous encouragement, so that the children never dare to speak to be able to speak English bravely with the teacher. Even though there are many shortcomings and mistakes in the process of expression, I thank the teachers for their patience. Keep your temper, guide and explain again and again and guide children in an interesting way, so that children can enjoy speaking and learning English. In particular, there is one project that I like as a parent, that is, the school allows us to have the opportunity to choose teachers that suit us. When we first arrived, the school first helped us arrange teachers, but later we were able to adjust the class time and teachers, which I deeply love as a parent.
In addition to learning English in the Philippines, another exciting thing for children is to meet friends from different countries. Everyone uses unfamiliar English to greet each other, play together, play sports together, and eat together... I believe this is a rare opportunity. Experience, let children leave better memories and happy mood.
Thanks again to the principal, teachers and staff of HANA ACADEMY, thank you for giving us the opportunity to study at HANA ACADEMY. Looking forward to our chance to visit again in the future.


一轉眼我們已經在菲律賓HANA ACADEMY一個月了。從一開始的陌生到漸熟悉,不論是環境、食物、語言及認識不同國家的朋友,一切的一切是那麼的有趣及令人興奮。記得剛來時,深感受到HANA ACADEMY的老師及員工都非常的親切與熱情。此行是我們家人第一次來到菲律賓,主要為了讓兩個孩子能勇敢開口說英文並能擴展視野看見世界的美麗及結交不同國籍的朋友。很開心,雖然只有短短的一個月,但在這一個月裡,讓我們得到許多新的學習與生命的體驗。在英文學習上,孩子們的聽力與口說進度許多,不僅獲得老師們的肯定,當家長的我們也很明顯看見孩子找到學習英文的動力與喜愛。以前在學習英文時,總是興趣缺缺,常問為什麼要學英文。如今當他們在不同國家遇見不同國籍人士時,孩子們終於體會到「英文」溝通的重要性。很感謝HANA ACADEMY老師們的用心教學,不斷鼓勵再鼓勵,讓孩子從不敢開口到能勇敢用英文與老師對話,即使在表達過程中,有許多的不足與失誤,但感謝老師們總是耐著性子,一次又一次的指導與說明且用心地採用有趣的方式引導孩子,讓孩子能享受在說英文、學英文裡面。特別其中有一項目,是讓身為家長我喜歡的地方,就是學校讓我們能有機會選擇適合自己的老師上課。剛到時學校先幫我們安排教學老師,但之後我們能調整上課時段及授課老師,這一點讓身為家長的我深深喜愛。
再次感謝HANA ACADEMY校長、全體老師及員工,謝謝您們讓我們有機會到HANA ACADEMY學習。期待未來我們還能有機會再訪。