Refund Policy
Category 1 | Category 2 | Application Fee | Tuition Fee | Accommodation Fee |
Before Student arrive in Hana Academy | Within A week ( 7days ) from registration | No Refund | 100% of total tuition fee | 100% of total tuition fee |
After 7 days from registration | No Refund | 70% of total tuition fee | 70% of total tuition fee | |
After Student arrive in Hana Academy | Less than 50% of the Course Completed | No Refund | 50% of left duration fee of the uncompleted part of the course | 50% of left duration fee of the unused part of the accommodation |
More than 50% of the Course Completed | No Refund | No Refund | No Refund | |
–For short-term course (below 4 weeks), No refund. -In case of disease, accident or death in the immediate family such as parents, siblings, spouse or child, 60% of the Tuition and Accommodation Fee for the remaining period will be refunded but medial document(s) or any evidence(s) must be provided. -Student can only put his/her study on hold one time, and must resume the study within 6 months after the suspension takes effect. After 6 months, his/her suspension of study will be invalid and shall not be refunded or compensated. |